Saturday, July 31, 2010


Apple til death! I am obsessed with my iPhone and I will fight you if you try to say that your obviously inferior Blackberry is better. Despite all of the vicious lies and rumors circling about poor service coverage and dropped calls, I have had better service with iPhone 4 than my previous 3GS. Nice try Blackberry but your lies didn't work. Apple still sold a whopping 1.7 million phones in only the first three days! Last month, I waited in line for 14 HOURS to get iPhone 4 and it was worth every second! With my new facetime feature I can video chat with my friends around the world for free! People say it's crazy to wait in a fourteen hour line but all you need is a lawn chair, some music and a bottle of wine. Make a day out of it...or pick up your own phone at

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